There are 3 men in he Bible (besides Jesus) that really stand out for me: Joseph, David, and Paul. I guess I see so much Christ-likeness in these men. Joseph was almost perfect! Paul, after his encounter with the Lord became pretty close to being perfect and teaches us how to live for Christ. David simply lived to glorify God and you can see how he loved God with all his heart, soul and mind. I must admit I am forgetting, at this point, the sins that David committed. But once he was convicted and after confessing his sin, God continues to love David and forgives him of his sin, as He does for us. Amazing how God can forgive and forget! Paul says he was the worst of sinners, yet God also forgives him. There really is room at the cross for all of us. Thank you Lord for your so great salvation! How I praise and worship You, O Lord!

It's easy to praise the Lord for what He has done for us ... isn't it? How great Thou Art, O Lord God Almighty! You, O Lord, are my Rock, my Fortress, my Strength. Without You I can do nothing. With You, nothing is impossible. Thank You Lord. Have your way in my life, I pray. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I might serve You and live for You and glorify your name. Hallelujah Lord Jesus! We certainly can learn how to praise and worship and cry out to the Lord from the Psalms that David wrote for us.

David is an example for all of us on how to:
Praise the Lord, Pray to the Lord, Glorify the Lord, Receive our strength from the Lord, Wait on the Lord, Rest in the Lord, Trust in the Lord, Minister to the Lord, Sing to the Lord, Dance unto the Lord, Serve the Lord, Be friends with the Lord, Fight for the Lord, Cry out to the Lord, Fear the Lord, Bless the Lord, Thank the Lord, Honor the Lord and His anointed, and the list goes on!
You can see why David is considered a man after God's own heart. (Almost) everything he did, say, and think about was done for Lord and to glorify the Lord.
That's a life well lived. He was a forgiven sinner who lived for God, desired to do His will, rejoicing in the Lord, praising Him, giving Him thanks and talking to Him in prayer regularly (if not always). I sense from reading Paul's epistles, Paul also learned much from David's life and character just as we can.
Let's all have hearts that are bent towards God and that are becoming like God's heart, full of love for others!
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