In 6 days it will be Christmas Day and we will be celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus, if indeed, we remember to. It's easy to get caught up into the busyness of the season and forget Him, especially when some in our families are not fellow followers yet. Sometimes Jesus doesn't even become a part of our conversations. Have your way in our lives Lord as we gather together during this Christmas season. Let's pray for our family members, friends, neighbours and coworkers that we have a burden for. Lord, open their eyes and help us to be Your hands and feet and mouth.
Let's BE those expressions of the fruit of the Spirit to others... Love Joy, Peace ...we see these words a lot in Christmas cards! ... Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control ... these last six characteristics can often disappear from our lives when we get stressed out ... don't allow that to happen!
We have taken a break over the Advent season from our study of The Story. I trust you have been benefiting from this study as much as I have as you listen to the messages each week and fellowship with your small groups.
Over the last few months, as we have been doing The Story together, I have been trying to capture Christ-like characteristics and attitudes of some of the main characters in The Story. If you go back and review the blogs, you will see that so far we have looked at 7 characters who I think we can learn some good "stuff" from - Adam, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Ruth and David and 1 character, King Saul who we can learn some things that we should try to exclude from our own character.
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We can thank these men and women of the Old Testament for being good examples of how to live Christ-like lives before us even though none of them were perfect. They were being transformed and we saw just a glimpse of their lives. Lord help us to incorporate these good characteristics into our lives.
It's too bad that being transformed into Christ-likeness couldn't be instantaneous. God's goal for us is to be perfect and holy and indeed we are already IN CHRIST from God's perspective. But while here on earth there is still much for us to do to work out our salvation as we are being sanctified by the Holy Spirit and His Word. Sorry fellow followers ... it takes time and it takes practicing some spiritual disciplines (our part) and it takes a whole lot of Grace (God's part by His Holy Spirit). One day we will see Him and be like Him. What a great day that will be!
Thank you for your service and leadership as you help fellow followers grow stronger in His Word and in the Holy Spirit. Please feel free to share this blog with the members of your group.

Joyce and I will be on a mission trip to Papua, Indonesia for most of January, 2014. Pray for us that we would be in the centre of His will and have His health, protection and wisdom as we help Lois Belsey and Mary McElhone. We appreciate your support and encouragement and will be praying for you too.
May God Bless you and your small group.
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