If you read the story of Ruth quickly and don't stop to think about it you may not "glean" too much. In fact if you read any part of the Word quickly and don't take time to meditate on it, you don't get much out of the Word and have probably wasted your time. Here are a few Ruth-like characteristics that are very Christ-like.
Commitment: Ruth was committed to staying with and helping her mother-in-law, Naomi and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob even though she was a foreigner originally from another land (Moab), where she grew up worshiping other gods. She didn't have to stay with Naomi. She could have returned to live in the land of Moab and probably remarried there but she loved Naomi and loved her new life under her new true God.

Teachable and obedient: Ruth didn't know the customs and culture of the land she was going to ... but Naomi did and she was able to instruct Ruth....which field to glean in, what to do, how to act, how to dress, etc. Ruth listened to he mother-in-law and did what she said and the Lord worked things out so that Boaz falls in love with her and becomes Ruth and Naomi's kinsmen redeemer, Ruth's husband, and eventually great-great grandparents to David from whose lineage, 28 generations later, Jesus is born. God sees the BIG picture and knows how we all fit into it. You never know how God is going to use your life but God does and He has a great plan indeed as we trust and obey and remain teachable and willing to trust Him..

Others are watching and taking notice of what kind of person we are. They see our smile, our good deeds, our tears of compassion, our love for one another and hear our words of encouragement. They see our gifts and our potential. Opinions are formed and we develop a reputation. Unfortunately, people also see some stuff that is rooted in our old carnal nature (un-Christ-like qualities) which Paul encourages us to put aside or put off (see Colossians 3:8,9). We need to clothe ourselves in Christ-like qualities. (see Colossians 3:12-17) and remain in Him and learn to walk in the Spirit.

Take time to read Ruth again slowly and pick out some other qualities that you see in Boaz's, Ruth's and Naomi's life that are worth imitating.
Caution! There is something in Naomi's life that was exhibited for a while that we don't want to copy. She wanted to be called Mara because she was bitter over her circumstances ... but she didn't remain there!. Don't be known for being a bitter person as it leads to a host of problems and it is easily noticeable..
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