Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
When God calls us to do something for Him, our typical reaction is often like Moses. Who Me! I can't! Can you get someone else to do it! We often feel inadequate for the job he has for us. If that's the way you feel, you are actually the perfect person for the job. God can use you! He becomes all we need when we are weak. You simply becomes His mouth piece, His ears and eyes, and His hands and feet. He gives you the words to speak. He instructs you on what actions to take and He works through you displaying His power so that others will recognize that God is present and is accomplishing the work by His mighty hand ... and that He indeed is I AM and that "He will" do what He says He will do. Mind you, things work out this way only when we spend time with God, talking to Him and listening to Him, as Moses surely did when he was placed in His leadership position.
Moses became a man that God could use because he learned to completely depend on God and he spent much "face to face" time with God talking to Him and listening to Him and doing what He says. We also learn that when He failed to follow God's instructions, there were consequences. God didn't allow Moses to enter the promised land because he disobeyed (once) but we also know that we will surely see Moses in His Kingdom when we are called to spend eternity there.
Also remember that before God called Moses to deliver His people, Moses had tried to deliver his people in his own strength and might 40 years earlier. He failed, he ran away and became a "nobody" in man's eyes and he could hardly put two words together anymore because of spending all his time leading "dumb" sheep.

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