Imagine having to put up with people grumbling, complaining and rebelling all the time. This happened over and over again. This type of "cancer" even spread to Aaron and Miriam as they began to question Moses' position and authority resulting in Miriam being punished and becoming leprous for 7 days and forced to live outside the camp.
Moses even grumbled (under his breath) when He didn't follow God's instruction for providing water and angrily stuck the rock. This act of disobedience was punished by God not letting him enter the promised land!
Later when Moses sends out 12 spies to check out the land, 10 of them bring back a report saying that the people are too big and we could never beat them and take their land. But Caleb and Joshua had a different report ... with God on our side there was no problem entering into the land of promise. The people believed the majority and they grumbled and complained again about their situation and they end up paying for their mistake. They get to wander around for 40 years until everyone under the age of 20 dies off and they never stepped foot into the promised land. Only Caleb and Joshua and the young folk would get to enter.
Grumbling and complaining do not allow you to receive God's blessing. He hates this type of attitude from his children. It shows that you don't trust Him and that you have a rebellious heart.
So what should we do and what characteristics or attitudes should we be incorporating into our lives to please God? Paul could have been a grumbler and complainer based on the situations he found himself in but he wasn't because he wanted to be like Christ. He gives the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi and us some great practical instruction. If you have the time, I would encourage you to read the entire book of Philippians slowly. Here are a just a few things that counteract grumbling, complaining, and a rebellious heart.

2. Learn to be content in whatever circumstances you are in (like Paul was) Philippians 4:11
3. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus ... He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross. Phillipians 2:2-13

4. Do all things without grumbling and disputing. Philippians 2:14
Paul says "practice these things" (Philippians 4:9).
This is excellent advice for shepherds who want to be good examples to their flocks who are watching and following and learning from them.
So ... don't be a grumbler and complainer as the consequences are terrible! Be like Paul and Christ Jesus. The reward is out of this world.
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