As you know, I have been trying to extract a few principles of leadership or "shepherding" from each of The Story chapters that we have been going through. This helps me learn to be a better leader / shepherd (I hope) and I also trust that those who read the blog receive some benefit as they seek to grow in their role of shepherding and being part of a small group.

Normally I try to do my blog and get it out on Thursday each week. Unfortunately I had to be away to "fight" a speeding ticket. I broke the "law" ... yup, I sinned ...but I had some legitimate reasons (excuses). God was with me and I didn't have to "fight". For various "it just so happens", the fine was significantly reduced! Another lower story for another time!

This morning I received a message asking whether I could fill in for Pastor Jeff and do the Adult Sunday School this coming Sunday. After writing last week about Moses and the excuses he tried to give, it was pretty difficult for me to say, "No ... Thank you for the offer ... but ... I don't think I can fill Jeff''s shoes, I can't speak like him, I don't have the knowledge Pastor Jeff has. Do you think you could ask someone else?" Obviously, I said yes! I better practice what I am trying to teach and trust God that He will be with me and speak through me and give me the words to say. So ... this afternoon I will be preparing for Sunday School as tomorrow is Thanksgiving and our family will be gathering and I am very thankful for all that He is doing in our lives!
This week the chapter was titled "New commands and a New Covenant". However, in looking for leadership principles, I focused on Moses and how he was doing his job as a leader. Here are 2 things that seemed to pop out to me:

Be Holy God wants us to be Holy and live Holy and righteous lives. That's what the 10 commandments are all about which were later summarized by Jesus when he spoke to a lawyer, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbour as yourself".
When we love others like God loves us, and when we love others like God does by allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us into Christ-likeness, we become Holy. We become the people of God that he has called us to be. Peter reminds us that we are "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God" (1 Pe 2:9) and Peter also exhorts us "to be holy in all you do; for it is written: Be holy, because I am Holy. (1 Pe 1:15,16)
Pray, Pray, Pray
When reading this week's chapter of The Story I couldn't get over how much time Moses spent with God talking things over with Him and receiving instructions from Him. He didn't call it prayer because he was actually talking with God and hearing His voice. He spent 40 days, two times, at the top of Mount Sinai when receiving God's commandments for His people which includes us. And after the covenant was made, we see that Moses spends much time every day in the Tent of Meeting just outside the camp. Moses had questions and frustrations. He needed instruction and wisdom to do the huge job he was given. God listened to Moses and He talked with Moses just like a friend. (see Exodus 33:11) God provided all that Moses needed day by day.
Remember that Moses was the reluctant leader! He didn't want the job of leading two million plus people out of Egypt. Would you want the job? He could only perform this job with God's help. He needed His wisdom, His presence, His power, His direction, His words.

We are like Moses. We can't really do anything of real value for God and His people and His kingdom unless we also spend time in prayer. Paul says pray without ceasing. We ought to be getting alone with God in our prayer closet daily to talk with Him and listen to Him. But "as we go", we should remember that He is also with us always and we can pray (talk with Him) anytime and anywhere and ask Him for wisdom when we are doing all the things we are responsible for each day. Walk with Him. Talk with Him. Listen for His voice by the Holy Spirit giving you instructions. Watch for those divine appointments where He wants you to be His hands and feet and lips. Watch for the way He works things out according to His plans.
With the Holy Spirit's help and indwelling, we can be like Moses, (and Jesus), a friend of God who talks with God. Others will notice when we have spent time in prayer with Him. Others will also notice when we haven't spent time in prayer with Him.
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