In the book of Judges, we read great stories about some great heroes who are called by God to save God's children (the Israelites) from oppression and slavery again and again ... and again. As a believer and follower of Christ, I sometimes shake my head and find it hard to understand how the Israelites kept on getting on the "merry-go-round" that they were on ... choosing to disobey God, worshiping other Gods, soon realizing that God wasn't on their side anymore, crying out to God asking to be delivered, God showing His compassion and mercy and providing a saviour (Judge), experiencing peace and the good life for awhile and then soon falling into the trap of idol worship again after the Judge dies. Over and over the ride takes them through the same cycle. And the kids don't even learn from their parents mistakes! In fact they often did what was more evil in the sight of the Lord. Hopefully we can learn from the mistakes of others as we read these accounts in the Bible! Unfortunately, we often don't. And this can apply to us a Christ followers. Our enemy can cause us to get a "free" ticket on the ride that can lead to ... well, ... let's just call them problems.
Who Me - I don't have any idols?
The Israelites got into trouble primarily because they didn't do what God told them to do initially. They were supposed to eliminate everything that was unholy and everyone that worshiped other gods. They didn't obey. Some even intermarried with the Canaanites (a no, no!) and consequently began to worship false gods. When this happens, God gets jealous and angry and lets them (and us) suffer the consequences of their (our) own sin. He doesn't protect them and care for them the way He wants to and consequently, they get taken over by other kingdoms ...trapped ...enslaved ...oppressed and miserable until they can't take it anymore and once again, they cry out to God asking to be delivered.

Flee Idolatry and Pursue Christ-Likeness
If you or I get caught in the trap of modern day idolatry having one or more idols in our lives, we need to smash our idols and repent and confess our idolatrous behaviour as sin! We need to turn around and be filled with the Spirit and get on the "ride" that allows us to rest in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-24 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self control." We need self control even when we participate in "good" things. Don't let them take control and become an idol. ..."Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires".
2 Peter 1:5-8 also gives us some great
instruction on what kind of life to pursue as we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. When we do this He cares for us and provides all our needs and watches over us as His children.