Saturday, 8 March 2014

Nehemiah - A Small Group Leader Lead By God

How many times have you heard a series of messages on the book of Nehemiah?  I have probably heard this book preached more than any other book in the Bible.  It's must be a favourite, especially when gleaning leadership principles.  Leaders attempt to "grow" other leaders.

As I (re)read Nehemiah this time around I realized that there is so much more to see!  If you were a teacher or preacher you could easily spend 12 or more weeks in this book as there are so many applications to teach and apply in our lives.

Nehemiah, like Esther, is another book one ought to sit down and read and reread and let the Holy Spirit teach you, convict you (as necessary) and encourage you.  God wants to use me and you just as he uses Nehemiah.  Nehemiah is really just an "average guy" like us...but with God leading him and directing his steps and answering his prayers, he became all that God wanted him to be for the assignment he was given by God. He was fully equipped (by God) for the task and was very successful despite much opposition from the enemy within and without.

Here are a number of words which hint at the numerous life lessons covered in this book: Prayer, Intercession, Brokenness, Rebuild, Restore, Reinforce, Reconstruct, Repent, Return, Reform, Renewal, Revival, Re ______,  Compassion, Sacrifice, Determination, Leadership, Faith, Dependence on God, Community, Cooperation, Courage, Commitment, Coming together, Working together, Standing firm, Doing our part, Overcoming fear, Overcoming discouragement, Standing Firm, Defending one another, Being wise, Watching out, Listening to God's Word, Obeying God's Word, Covenant, Promises kept, Faithful, Joy of the Lord, Rejoicing, Celebrating, Helping the poor, Giving ....

What I noticed most in my reading this time is the importance of having an intimate relationship with God through prayer.  God placed a burden on Nehemiah's heart when he heard that the walls had not been built and the gates were burned down.  Nehemiah responds. He fasts and prays.  He actually interceded for Jerusalem and their situation for about 4 months before doing anything.  He becomes an answer to his own prayer.  God wanted him to return to Jerusalem and help rebuild the walls.  But could he leave his job of serving the king and queen Esther?  God worked it out and he was actually given a leave of absence and sent to Jerusalem by the king with all that he needed to start the rebuilding the walls.

Nehemiah demonstrates wisdom (from God) as he figures out what should be done and how to do it.  He shares his vision and easily motivates (with God's help) everyone to get involved in the rebuilding project. Nehemiah organizes and leads the project but he also rolls up his sleeves and works along side the people. He leads by example.

When the enemy came to discourage and distract them from their work, Nehemiah was provided wisdom by God to keep the project going, allowing them to keep working and to also being ready to fight the enemy if/when necessary. Everyone worked hard and probably didn't get much sleep but there was tremendous cooperation among the small groups of men and women as they worked on their section of the walls. The walls and gates were (re)built in 52 days. A mammoth project done in record time! God worked with them and through them and answered their prayers as they worked.

The joy of the Lord was there strength! When they finished the project there was more time of rejoicing. Ezra reads the word and explains it to them. Repentance occurs over their past wrong doings.  Action was taken to correct their mistakes (sin). They all renew their commitment to follow God and obey His word.  They (re)celebrate the Feasts of Tabernacles which lasts 7 days but is very similar in activities to the Purim Feast we learned a little about last week.  I think the Jewish people know how to party and hopefully going forward will remember why they are rejoicing!

If we are going to become great leaders we are going to have to become great men and women of  prayer and of the Word and learn to lead by example ... in other words become more and more like Nehemiah who was like Jesus.

This is my goal and vision for us all!  Let's help each other achieve this goal of prayerful, servant leadership in the areas of service that God has equipped us and called us to do.  (see Ephesians 2:10)

By the way, Nehemiah 9 provides a great little summary of many of the attributes of God and his plan of redemption and restoration as recorded in the OT..


1 comment:

  1. Yes, Nehemiah is one of my favorite books of the bible. He is a great example of a God-led, spirit filled man of action!!!
