Monday 31 March 2014

Jesus - WOW!

If you have been following along in The Story, we are covering the chapter "No Ordinary Man". If you have the time, find an hour where you can actually read the recommended passages of scripture.
Mattthew 5-7;  9;  14;  Mark 4-6;  Luke 10; 15;  John 6. 

There are a lot of things happening in these chapters. I am sure most of you have read the gospels before ... perhaps several times and you might be saying I know these stories. So you may have a tendency to simply skim over them.  This time when you read, don't just read them quickly. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you. Take out your pen or pencil and underline words and phrase that pop out at you. Record what He is saying to you personally. The Word is alive and fresh and is used by the Holy Spirit to encourage you, challenge you, convict you, increase your faith, motivate you to action ... you know what I mean! There are 100's of lessons in these pages. God wants us to put his word into practice so that we can be used by Him to advance His kingdom.

I love the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5-7.  By reading it one night over 37 years ago, I was convicted of my sin and cried out saying I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry for over an hour.  Later in Matthew 9:9, Jesus spoke to me and said "Follow Me". I said "Yes" that night and I have never turned back even though some said that "this" would never last.  They were wrong!  I later learned that I was saved and would have eternal life. I couldn't get enough of the Word. I devoured it. It was food that I had been starving for. Now I know that Jesus is the Word. He also says He is the Bread of Life.  He is Living Water. He is the Resurrection and the Life.  etc. I know for sure where I will spend eternity and I want to serve Him and make disciples wherever I am working or going.  Matthew 28:18-20

Enough about what He has done for me. You all have similar stories about how you came to know Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord. Look for opportunities to share your story with others. Ask God each day for opportunities to connect with others who need a Saviour which may mean getting out of your comfort zone or may mean just being obedient to the Holy Spirit. Only you know your story. Tell it when given the opportunity. Build relationships. Ask questions. Let them tell their story and talk about themselves.  Listen. They will probably ask you about yourselves. Speak! Be lead by the Holy Spirit. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Walk in the Spirit. Abide in Him. Trust Him to give you the words to speak and obey! He desires to reach those around you wherever you are.

Jesus often taught using parables which are sometimes hard to understand. The Holy Spirit can teach you their meaning. Simply ask Him. He will give you insights and His thoughts. Meditate on the passage and ask Him to show you what it means. You can also look in commentaries to see what the Holy Spirit has taught others if needed.

Read the parable of the Sower again. (Mark 4) One of the first messages I preached at the Salvation Army Lighthouse in Toronto was on this parable and the various soils. I brought in various soils in pots to illustrate my point. By the way, as believers we need to be careful about the weeds and thorns that can grow up in our garden ... if you know what I mean!  Dig them out by the roots when necessary!

I also love the parable of the "prodigal son". You may also have prodigals within your family and extended families. Most families do. Don't give up hope! Don't give up praying for them! God is still working on them. Love them! Be ready to welcome them home with open arms! Be ready to rejoice and celebrate with all the angels in heaven when they come home!  

In the rest of the readings you will see how Jesus calms the storm, walks on water, drives out a legion of demons, resurrects a young girl who has "fallen asleep" (died), feeds 5000 men and their families with 5 loaves and 2 fishes.

These were all very amazing examples of Jesus' power and authority over nature, over demons and over life and even creation. Jesus also said when He left us that we would be doing even greater things than He with His authority and power and in His name. We have the privilege of sharing the Good News of the Kingdom of God and being used by the Holy Spirit to lead others to Christ, receiving forgiveness of their sin so that they can not only have the promise of eternal life but to also grow spiritually and become like Christ and eventually do the same as us ... make more disciples.

Let's all experience the joy of seeing prodigals come to the Lord and celebrate with the angels in heaven regularly. Let's party! Can't you just see (imagine) the Lord's big smile! Don't let the weeds and thorns of this world prevent you from being fruitful and seeing a great harvest of souls enter into His kingdom as you serve Him.  Let your faith increase. He wants to use you and me for His purposes. May He bless us and help us to be fruitful - 30, 60, 100 fold!

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