This week many of the small groups are looking at Session 19 in The Story - The Return Home. I thought Bobby Neerholf (and the Holy Spirit) did a great job last Sunday with his message covering the return of the Israelites to Jerusalem from captivity. I do not have a lot more to say but I will try to make some points as the Holy Spirit is still dealing with me and reminding me of lessons I have learned but must relearn as I seek to serve Him.
The Israelites were pretty excited about getting to go home and rebuild the temple. Things were going a long pretty good. They were seeing results. But then words were said and stuff began to happen that discouraged them and the project slowed down. They lost their focus. They began to focus on personal things and looking after themselves rather than giving themselves to the work that God wanted them to do ... rebuild the temple.

This scenario often happens in our lives too. To be honest I enjoy starting a new project or being involved in a new ministry but over time "stuff" happens which slows you down or discourages you and your team or group and you feel like quitting or giving up. The enemy wants you to quit and give up and make you feel like a failure ... which often leads to depression. So ... don't! Don't give up! If you do, you will never know what God might have accomplished through you. He never would have called you to the task or project if he didn't want you to complete the task and accomplish the result. Remember He is with you. Rest in Him. Remain in Him. Rely on Him. Receive your encouragement from Him. He will provide the encouragement you need through people, circumstances, His word and His Holy Spirit. There is much joy in completing whatever you have begun! Don't quit.
Ok ... I have just been preaching to myself! Maybe some of you also needed to hear that message too!

We need balance in our lives in terms of how we spend our time and money but we also need to remember to "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will given to you as well" - Matthew 6:33. This verse has been one of my key "life verses". If we put God first, he will ensure that we are looked after ... and He always has! He wants you to succeed at the work he has given you. Be strong and courageous and carry on.
And may He receive all the glory as He works through you and me by his Holy Spirit.
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