It has been a while since I have read the account of Daniel and his friends, Hananiah, Mishael and Azarriah or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I have been blessed and challenged again!
These young guys are amazing! Because of their integrity, faithfulness, commitment to God and strong prayer life, God blesses them and places them all in very influential and powerful positions within a kingdom of a foreign land - Babylon. These young men remind me of Joseph and how God blessed his life and allowed him to find favour in whatever He did while in a foreign land.
The miracles that we see God do to protect "his kids" also standout. Their (our) God obviously gets the attention of the king of this foreign land after seeing the miracles God does to protect and save them. God is recognized as the God of gods.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abendengo get thrown into a fiery furnace because they wouldn't bow down and worship the 90 feet high golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar makes. They would die if necessary but believed God would save them. Even if He didn't save them, they would still not bow down and worship this image. I wonder ... would I be able to respond like these young men? Would I take such a stand for God? Would my faith be this strong? Would I be willing to die for my faith? I'd like to be able to say "yes"! Sure, I know I have said, like Peter, I am willing to die for my faith ... but I am also hoping I am never tested to this extent. If ever faced with this kind of situation, I trust that I will be given enough grace to have this same kind of bold faith in God regardless of the outcome.

Daniel also takes a bold stand when later in his life, king Darius was tricked into making an edict that forced everyone to only pray to him for a 30 day period or else they would be thrown to the lions. Daniel ignores the edict and doesn't change his practice of praying three times per day and is consequently thrown into the lion's den. Like his friends, Daniel is protected and delivered. The lions somehow - actually we know how! - were not hungry that evening and Daniel remains alive. King Darius was overjoyed that Daniel was still alive. Darius ultimately gives a decree that everyone in his kingdom must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and later, the reign of Cyrus. Wow! God receives all the glory and was well know to everyone while Daniel lived.
These are amazing miracles ... not unlike parting the red sea or providing manna daily for 40 years to over three million people in the desert, and more! But we know that nothing is impossible for God.

Some of us may be going through some very challenging times. As you face your "mountain" and difficult time, continue to put your trust in the One and only God of all creation and His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that we have been given. Trust Him. Pray about everything. Let Him protect you and carry you through. Remain faithful. Remain strong and courageous. Do not fear. He is able to deliver thee! He has promised to be with you always. We are praying for you. Pray for those in your small group. Prayer, I believe and am learning, is the most important work we can do. God hears and answers. Be filled and stay in step with the Holy Spirit. Spend time reading His word. Pray that I do the same! As the chorus says, "Dare to be a Daniel!"
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