One of my favourite characters in the Bible is Paul. Perhaps it is because he was inspired to write much of the New Testament and actually lived what he taught and he kept doing what he was commissioned by Jesus to do until, like Jesus, he was killed. Even though he suffered greatly, he kept on sharing the gospel (good news). He never seemed to be discouraged despite the hard work of breaking new ground and getting the message out to the Jews and the Gentiles. In fact he seemed to rejoice when he was beaten or stoned or thrown into jail. It was a privilege to be counted worthy to suffer for Christ. Lord, I hope and pray that I might have this same attitude, especially if / when faced with opposition as I share God's message with others.

Once Paul knew what he was called to do and after he was filled with the Holy Spirit, he fervently, boldly and unashamedly began to preach the good news about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and salvation through Him every where He went. The Bible says He went to the Synagogue each Sabbath day (since he was Jewish) and there he had a built-in audience of people to hear the good news when ever he was given the chance to speak. Often someone was healed by him or signs and wonders occurred which attracted many others to be interested in hearing his message. This made the religious leaders angry and jealous. They saw how they would lose control over the people and ultimately their power and position if everyone began to follow Paul's teaching and become part of The Way. Paul taught truth about who Jesus was and why He had to die for our sins and from the letters he wrote to the churches we learn how to live by faith in Christ Jesus. Many responded to Paul's teaching and house churches or small groups were established everywhere he went. It's amazing what Paul accomplished for the kingdom of God.
Paul had many followers who wanted to be with him and help him in his work and also support him. I know that if I was living during that time period and in that region and became a believer back then, I also would want to follow and work with a man like Paul. I say that because I see the fruit of his ministry over an entire life time and ope that someday my life will bear much fruit like his did and that I also will hear the words, "Well done my good and faithful servant" when we meet Jesus face to face. Thankfully, today we also have many Godly examples around us that we can also learn from and follow their example.

We see in Paul's life the fruit of the Holy Spirit - love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control -Galatians 5:22. You can also see how he loved and cared for people and encouraged others to live a life of love. He taught us how to live IN Christ and reckon ourselves dead so that others would see Christ in us. He puts in us a desire to pursue Christ and know Him intimately because that was his desire and goal - to know Him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. (Philippians 3:10,11) Paul accomplished his goal and he discipled many who also were encouraged to disciple many others. We are followers today because of what Paul did back almost 2000 years ago.

There is so much to say about Paul and learn from Paul! You must read about his life in Acts and read his many letters to the church and individuals like Timothy and Titus. Imagine being personally discipled by Paul like Timothy, Silas, Barnabas, and hundreds of others (see Romans 16 for a short list). And yet we can also be discipled and learn from Paul's teachings by reading, studying and meditating on His Word and putting it into practice.
Sometimes we may get discouraged because we think we could never be like Paul or Peter or some other "spiritual giant"... but we can become what God wants us to be in Christ. We are all called to serve Him and grow in Him. I am encouraged by the many around me who I see living for Christ and being the hands and feet of Christ as they serve their families, give of themselves sacrificially (both time and resources) to ministry, serving and helping others, praying for one another, loving one another, showing hospitality, leading and teaching others, and the list goes on. We have many great examples of godly lives being lived out before us.

Being Mother's Day this weekend, I also want to give thanks and praise to God for all the mothers who sacrificially serve and care for and love their families 24 / 7! I know as a Dad, I have tended to be more selfish (I know selfishness is sin!) with my time and less sacrificial than my wife and other mothers. I know most dads can't do all the things that moms do and continue to do for our families. Thankfully, all Dads are not that way and thankfully I am personally doing a little bit better at being a grand dad! Thank you Moms for your Christ-likeness in the area of mothering, managing the home and for all you do sacrificially. You are amazing! I don't know how you do all that you do! Even Paul would have learned a few things from mothers - come to think of it, he probably did. May God bless you and reward you for the blessing you are to your family and others. Well done!

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:1 "Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ." Jesus says, "Follow me." Let's all follow and remain in Him, obtaining what we need from God as we obey His Spirit and Word and continue to love one another ... as the greatest gift that we have is love.
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