In many ways this is a part of The Story in the Bible that I both love and hate as we discover what happens to Jesus in his final hours. Like the "Christmas" story, most of us have heard or read the "Easter - Good Friday" story a number of times. Unless you truly understand, there is nothing really "good" about Good Friday when you hear of how Jesus was treated.

How would you feel when one of your hand picked disciples, Judas, betrays you? I know he knew ahead of time that this would happen, but its still must have hurt!

What about the hour when he is standing before the High Priest, who should have recognized Jesus for who he really was - the Son of God, the Messiah - condemns him to death for committing blasphemy. Jesus was telling the truth that he was the Son of God but they didn't want to believe him.
What about when he was beaten, spat upon and crowned with a crown of thorns and mocked.
What about when he was scourged so badly that he was unrecognizable.
What about when they actually nailed his hands and feet to a cross.

During Jesus' darkest hour, God in essence left him or abandoned him entirely during a time when he needed his Father the most. Jesus was bearing all our sin and the sin of the world on that cross at that hour. (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24) Because God is Holy and His eyes are too pure, He can not even look upon evil or be in the presence of sin (Habakkuk 1:13) God in essence had to turn His back on His Son. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. He became the sacrificial Lamb of God that was slain to satisfy God's wrath. His shed blood pays the price for our sin. We are no longer guilty. We are justified and declared righteous in God's sight.
Fortunately, because of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel (God with us), we can now truly thank God for His promise, "I will never leave thee or forsake thee". (Deuteronomy 31:6, Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 11:5). Jesus also says to us, "I will be with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20) We can have full assurance.

As you celebrate Easter and "Great Friday", reread the story again and remember what Jesus did for you - John 3:16 - during his darkest hour. Give Jesus thanks and praise. Express your love to Him. Love Him with everything you are and have. Follow Him. Become like Him and don't be ashamed of Him or ever deny Him.
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