As prophesied, Jesus would die (for our sin) but would be victorious over death and on the third day he would rise from the dead. With resurrection power, God raised Jesus from the dead, allowing us to truly believe that he is the Son of God. Many saw Jesus after he rose. Many saw him return to His Father in heaven. He became the firstborn to rise from the dead. All of us who have repented of our sin and believe in Jesus as our Saviour and make him Lord of our lives and determine to follow him will also be resurrected and receive a new glorified body which will be like Jesus' glorified body when he appeared to his followers.
We have this as a promise. We have a hope. We have a future. We will live forever with Jesus. Some of us will die (physically) before Jesus returns again. Some of us may not die and just be raptured when Jesus returns. Regardless, all believers will given their new glorified bodies which will be like His when He returns and we will live with Him forever.
We need to make sure we include the resurrection as part of the gospel message. Otherwise we do not have good news. With out the resurrection we do not have proof that Jesus is the Son of God and that all of God's promises are true. 'For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ' - 2 Corinthians 1:20. The Word is truth. When we share the Word (Jesus is the Word) in the power of the Holy Spirit, it will not come back void.

We also have proof that He is alive because we know that He is living right inside of us. We are to make known to others "the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." Colossians 1:27 His Holy Spirit which has been given to us leads us, guides us, encourages us, gives us words to speak, and works to do if we listen to Him and trust and obey. We are being transformed into His likeness - righteous, blameless, pure, holy and all the fruits of the spirit. We have already received our deposit (the Holy Spirit) of our future inheritance. We have received a guarantee that one day we will be resurrected or raptured and live with Him forever. (see Ephesians 1) While we are waiting here for His return and being equipped and serving Him with the gifts and talents He has provided us, He is pouring out His grace and love and every spiritual blessing in Christ on us. He is providing all that we need to have an impact in this world and for His Kingdom to expand.

By the way, on the last page of our Bible, Jesus Christ says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Revelation 22:21 He actually says it 3 times in Revelation 22 so you can be assured that he means what he says. Whose side will you be on when He comes?